Monday, January 03, 2005

Can't Get Well? Check Your Diet!

Well, it is a new year. Many people start out with renewed determination to meet their goals. Do you feel that you are doing all the right things but are not reaching your health goals?

The inability to heal from whatever illness or disease that you have manifested can come from eating depleted or marginally depleted foods. Sub Clinical nutritional deficiencies can make complete healing impossible.

So why not just take a supplement and get better?

The taking of nutritional supplements, we have been told will fill these deficiencies we all have. Yes, they can be helpful if they are derived Of natural ingredients, not synthetic chemicals, not full of fillers and binders and little nutrition. This has been my observation: The QUALITY of the nutritional supplements varies greatly today.

Finish the article and learn more about how your diet may need cleaned up for better health.

I carry a number of health books. Some are ebooks and
some are actual paper back books about health subjects
and hard back books about many health subjects.