Wednesday, February 16, 2005



We are all aging. For a woman, that means the time will come for the cesation of her menstral cycle. Other wise known as menopause.

It seems to me that more women are having problems making that transaction into menopause. Probably because of our high stress lifestyle and the havoc it causes on the adrenals. Many are in a fight or flight response to things nearly all the time.
I laugh at that saying " I have one nerve left, and you are getting on it" but for many it is true. The nerves are shot. Life is just plain stressful, if you don't do something about it.

There is a number of things to be done about this. If you are looking for some good books to guide you, why not stop over on my website and browse through the books on menopause and premenopause.

Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.

For Alternative Health Care and high quality Nutritional Supplements