Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Tsunami Warning

Tsunami Warning

My brother just called me about a Tsunami warning right here in
San Diego.

I had to jump on line quick and check for Tsunami warnings. Afer
seeing what went on in other areas, my stomach jumped up in my
throat when I heard about a tsunami warning here.

If you live along the coast in the U.S. you can check quickly
online by typing in tsunami warning + your state. After looking
at it, and calling someone who said it was not going to happen,
the news finally came on and said that there was not a chance of
a tsunami here. The warning had been lifted.

Boy, am I happy. The last few have brought such devastation on
the other side of the world.

I hope there is no tsunami further up the coast tonight, I used
to live close to the California, Oregon border. This is where the
large earthquake took place out in the ocean. I guess it will be
on the news tomorrow one way or the other.

Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.

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