Potassium and Potassium Food
Potassium and Potassium food
Even though Postassium is a very important mineral, many people do not consume enough. This lack of potassium can cause a variety of health problems.
One of the important functions of potassium is to help regulate the fluid levels of the body. It also has a role in blood pressure, helps to keep the heart working properly, and is important to the nervous system.
Potassium works to promote the proper functioning of the tissue that makes up the nervous system. It also serves to enhance muscle control, and the growth and health of cells, particularly through its importance in waste product removal.
Potassium also is necessary to the kidneys in their waste removal tasks. It is also important to mental function, as well as to physical processes. It helps to promote efficient cognitive functioning by playing a significant role in getting oxygen to the brain.
Failing to meet the standard recommended daily intake levels can lead to a variety of negative consequences for both physical well being and mental health. Artichokes, Dried peas, beans, lentils, Swiss chard, Winter squash
And Yams are just a few of your choices to provide you with Potassium each week
Make sure to get several servings of potassium vegetables in each week, unless your doctor has restricted your potassium.
For supplements to help you feel good, visit www.health-doc.com nutritional supplements section.
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