Super Foods
Super Foods
Have you ever worried that you are not getting the
nutrition you need? Super Foods can help with that.
That is one reason I offer Green Vibrance on my site.
I see many people that are slightly malnourished.
It is not that they don't eat much, it is that they
don't eat the right things - their fruits and vegetables.
Either because of their life style - not having the
time to eat right, because of their acquired tastes,
Or because they have not been educated about good
eating habits.
A super food powder such as Green Vibrance helps in
all of these areas. And having good nutrition makes
such a difference in your health.
"Most human illnesses and diseases are due to a
deficiency of vital nutrients. When you supply your
body with the proper nutrients, in a form that your
body can use, it knows how to repair itself!"
American Living Foods Institute
If you are not taking a super food powder, I suggest
that you start. You will find Green Vibrance here.
Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.
Alternative Health Care at its best
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