Sunday, August 06, 2006

Simple Ways To Increasing Health

Simple Ways To Increasing Health

Wanting to get healthier? There are some simple rules
to increasing your health and they are not hard to follow.
If you want to be healthier, this is the place to start.

The rules: eat healthier, exercise regularly and drink
plenty of water.

Eat healthier foods and cut down on calories. Be sure to eat
fresh fruits, delicious vegetables and lean meats or other
protein sources daily.

Cut out the processed food such as TV dinners, snack
chips and fast food. They only add calories and artificial
chemicals that your body doesn't need. Stop drinking soda
and start drinking fresh water.

There is no magic pill to losing weight or getting in shape.
I recommend people stop believing the hype of diet products
and crazy exercise equipment. You will have to have some

So there you have it - to get healthy, follow these simple

If you don't like to eat healthy, but know you should please
read this article on nlp techniques to get your thoughts and feelings lined up.

Jeannie Crabtree