Stress And Your Health
Stress And Your Health
Stress has been in the news, and reported on TV as a
health pandemic since the early eighties. The
predicament continues to worsen as workers communicate
they have at least one day a week with extreme or
unusual stress on the job and most of them report
two or even more such days.
Job stress is the chief source of stress for American
adults. Stress levels have even risen for children and
teenagers. Some have linked this stress with loss of
family and religious values, seclusion, no other forms
of social support, and corporate greed. People are
looking for stress relief to get some control back
in their life.
Job stress today is more risky than it was a decade ago.
Stress today seems to be more universal, more invasive
and more damaging than ever.
Please read the rest of the article about stress and
find some answers for yourself.
Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.
Labels: job stress
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