Thursday, March 08, 2007

Tips On Eating Healthier

Two Tips On Eating Healthier

Looking to get healthy? There are two simple rules
to aid you in eating healthier and you will be amazed
at how easy they are to follow. If you want to be
healtier, read and follow these rules.

The two simple tips on healthier eating I am going to
mention today: choosing the right kind of foods and
drink plenty of water.

Eat healthier foods and cut down on calories if you need
to lose weight. Try to eat plenty of delicious vegetables
both raw and steamed. Eat some fresh fruit each day, unless
you have a blood sugar problem. And then add in some lean
meats, beans, lentils or other sources of protein daily.

Cut out the processed food such as TV dinners, snack chips
and fast food. They only add calories and artificial
chemicals that your body doesn’t need. Stop drinking soda
and start drinking fresh water. A quart of water for every
50 pounds of weight is a good idea.

This healthier eating provides your body with the needed
minerals, vitamins and enzymes that build health.

Need some help deciding on good healthy meals? You can find
tips on healthier eating and recipes to make in about half
an hour by clicking here

Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.

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