Dealing With Depression
Dealing With Depression
Water can make a difference with dealing with depression.
Let me give you an alternative health idea that helps your
brain to function better:
For the next month, drink plenty of water and leave out all
soft drinks, diet drinks, colored and flavored drinks from
your diet. These have chemicals that can adversely affect
your brain chemistry. Out of balance brain chemistry can
lead to depression.
I suggest drinking one quart of water for every 50 pounds
of weight. So if you weigh 150 pounds, that would be three
quarts of water a day.
The brain needs to be hydrated to work at optimal level.
As a health consultant I see people who only have a glass
or so of water a day. Your body and your brain cannot
function very well with dehydration going on. Your nervous
system is a conductor of electricity and nerve impulses.
Water is an electrical conductor. Drinking enough water can
help with depression.
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When dealing with depression, make sure to get enough water!
Labels: alternative health, dealing with depression, depression
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