Healthy Eating
Healthy Eating
Many people know and even complain that they are
not eating very healthy, but don’t do much to start on
a healthier way of eating.
And it is not always easy. I read a recent Reuters Health
article that said that the price of fruits and vegetables went
up almost 20 percent over 2 years. That makes healthy
eating a little harder for some people.
Meanwhile junk food, sweets and snacks offers the
best price per 1,000 calories. BUT, there will be very little
nutrition in those types of foods.
Price is not the issue as I see it. It is about building good
health. Our food is our fuel, provides the building blocks for
our tissues, organs, bones, teeth and so on. Skip nutritious
food and you are setting yourself up for poor health, teeth
with cavities, etc.
And don’t get me started on women who eat a junk food diet
and are pregnant. How can they help their baby to develop
into a strong and healthy baby when the baby has no good
nutrition to draw on. It is a crying shame!
Now I won’t say that I don’t eat any junk food. I do, but I make
sure to have a lot of good healthy food, lots of vegetables, some
fruit and a super food powder drink for the extra nutrition it
gives me.
You have to work at it, if you want good health now and in the
future. Otherwise the prevailing marketing for junk will lead you
down the wrong path.
There is no way around it. Make healthy eating a priority, choosing
the highest quality food you can. Then add an occasional goody in
if you want.
Labels: healthy eating
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