Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Juicing For Better Health

Some people need to get on the fast track to better health. Are you one of these? Maybe you have all ready manifested symptoms that are giving you trouble.

Please remember that symptoms are your body’s way of talking to you. Instead of complaining, take a few seconds to thank your body for giving you feed back. Some people never get any warning such as dieing of a sudden major heart attack. Was it that they had no warning, or did not pay attention to the little warnings the body was giving them?

Although this would not be my only suggestion, one of the best things you can do to get back on the track to good health is to juice organic vegetables and drink a cup or so of that several times per day.

I have assisted people on the Gerson diet program, which includes drinking 8 to 10 fresh vegetable juices daily. It really made a difference in their recovery of some serious illnesses.

Why not start a juicing regime for better health? If you need recipes for juicing you can find some good juicing books on my site.

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