Thursday, May 19, 2005



You May Be Poisoned By Your Environment, Food And Water And Not Even Know It.

You Can Take All Kinds Of Nutritional Supplements And Still Not Get To The Bottom Of Your Problem. You Need Answers On How To Detox.

It Is Time To Get Rid Of The Toxins And Improve Your Health

One of the biggest problems I see today is an overload of toxins. We live in a "chemical soup" of toxic substances both in our food, our water and the air we breathe.

*EPA Report Shows 100% Of Human Adipose Fat Samples
Studied Are Laced With Chlorinated Solvents and Heavy Metals.
National Human Adipose Tissue Survey FY82, EPA-560/5-86-039, Dec.1986

The EPA Also States in Its Report:

During controlled studies, 100% of human body fat samples tested from 9 national regions contained doses of chemicals including Styrene (Styrofoam), Dichiorobenzene (mothballs, household cleaners and deodorizers) Xylene or Benzene (found in paints and gasoline) and DDT which has been banned since 1972.

The five most toxic trace metals found are: lead, mercury, aluminum, cadmium and beryllium. These metals are suspected in at least 50% of all deaths in the U.S. and much of the disabling diseases.

There are over 100,000 chemicals being used and released into our environment every day, 25,000 of them are potentially hazardous to your health.

Studies have also shown that when any combination of three (3) chemicals are taken into the body, the combined effect is as much as 5,000 times more toxic than any one by itself.

These chemicals all collect in the cells of the blood, lymphatic fluid, fat and cerebral spinal fluid.

No wonder you don't feel well. These chemicals can fool your body into believing they are hormones and create havoc with your emotions, health, energy and endurance.

I find PCA-Rx to be a great help because it will effectively, naturally, and gently remove all of these contaminants and any others that are not a natural part of those three primary bodily pathways.

Detox Your Body At The Deepest Level

Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.