Wednesday, June 22, 2005



Scoliosis generally shows up between the ages of 10 and 15. And
scoliosis affects girls seven to nine times more often than boys.

Certainly at the first signs of scoliosis, it is good to take a look
at your nutrition intake. (And if you are older, it is still a good
place to start if you have scoliosis.)

You may be lacking in certain minerals and vitamins, or have a hard
time absorbing them, compared to someone else without scoliosis.

If you were to see a alternative health care practioner, they may want
to do a hair analyisis to check your mineral balance, talk to you about
your diet and suggest some supplementation and enzymes. You may also
need an amino acid survey.

In addition, certain therapies may help with scoliosis. I would suggest
findingsome one who does BodyTalk,
or Neuro Modulation Technique. You can find websites online for both of those therapies.

They both address the body, organ and brain connection and find out why
the body is allowing, or not monitoring and correcting a problem,in
this case scoliosis. These techniques then help the body to recognize
the problem and correct the reasons why scoliosis exists for you.

Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.

For Alternative Health Care and high quality Nutritional Supplements visit