Saturday, March 04, 2006

Anti Aging Skin Care

Anti Aging Skin Care

For anti aging care of your skin, be sure not to overlook
Vitamins. Especially those that should be found in your

Anti-oxidant vitamins, such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C and
Vitamin E are very important to healthy skin. These are
the vitamins that share in controlling the damage that
free radicals, byproducts of energy production within
the body and of environmental contaminants, produce.

Free radical damage causes the destruction of collagen
and elastin, which are fibers that support the skin.
As these are damaged, wrinkles and a lack of that youthful
firmness can occur.

That is why getting plenty of fruits and vegetables is
important if you are looking for anti aging skin care.

Something I suggest for many people is a wonderful whole
foods product called Green Vibrance.

Green Vibrance delivers many vitamins, minerals and trace
minerals that may be absent or deficient in your diet. Since
it is made from organic foods, there are no chemicals or
preservatives to worry about. Click here to read more
about Green Vibrance.

Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.

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