Emotional Freedom Techniques
I work with Emotional Freedom Techniques and other therapies
to help a person be emotionally balanced. Our physical health
is greatly affected by our emotional health.
In talking to people, many people have let relationships slide,
thinking other things, especially a business, were more
important. Later they find that they are lonely and depressed
because they have no one, or the other person or family members
grew apart from them.
Your relationships are one of the most important things you
possess, so please do not ignore them. Especially if you have
children. What you do during their formative years, affect them
for the rest of their life. They form their opinion of themselves
by how you treat them.
Dysfunctional people often become that way because they did not
get their childhood needs met. If you have children, you have a
choice today whether to give your children the attention they
need or not. I understand that some of you may not have much
time, but children need your interest and love.
Emotional Freedom Techniques helps you overcome your "stuff" from
your past. It helps you move into a better place of thinking and
feeling, so that you relate better to those around you and the
situations you might be in.
Everyone, young or old, needs to feel accepted, respected, loved
and forgiven. When a person feels those things are in place, they
can move into a place where they can be their best. And we all
want to be our best.
Look into Emotional Freedom Techniques. It is something you can
do for yourself at home or you can find a professional to help
you in some sessions.
Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.
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