Drug Companies Manipulate
I keep reminding my family that the drug companies manipulate
the peramiters of tests in a way that they can sell more drugs.
A good example is found on Dr Mercola's site about cholesterol,
So I am going to quote a little and then you can read more
if you wish.
"In 2001 the drug companies were able to manipulate the
National Cholesterol Education Program committee to change
the 1993 guidelines for treating those with cholesterol.
They modified the recommendations to include anyone with an
LDL (bad cholesterol) level from 130 to 100 to be a candidate
for drug therapy. This one change increased their potential
market in the United States alone by more than 36 million
people. This tripled the number of people that were eligible
for cholesterol-lowering medications.
Then, in 2004, the same federal committee reduced the level
even further to 70."
From 130 to 70! So if your cholesterol is any higher than 70 now,
it is likely that your Dr. wants you on statin drugs. I know mine
did but I refused. I know it is not out of range for what used
to be allowed years ago.
So much of our health or lack of it is founded in our nutrition or
lack of good nutrition. Eat pleanty of vegetables and some fruit
each day, with some of that being raw, and you will go a long
way in building your health and avoiding the use of medication
Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.
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