Thursday, August 17, 2006

Stress Reduction With Vitamins

Stress – some people have far too much of it in their
life. Is there any way to help yourself handle stress
better? Yes. One of the first places to look is your

Stress Reduction With Vitamins

There are vitamins minerals and herbs that will help you
deal with stress and tension in your life. Take a look at
the list below.

* Vitamin B1 – Used for improving mood and is important for
nerve functions.
* Vitamin B3 – B3 helps regulate sleep patterns.
* Vitamin B6 – Vitamin B6 is necessary for the best production
of the chemical serotonin.
* Vitamin B12 – Helps make feel-good chemicals in your brain.
* Calcium is not only good for your bones and teeth; it also
helps you to relax.
* Chromium, used sometimes for weight loss also stabilizes
blood sugar levels.
* Magnesium also aids in reducing stress.
* Selenium increases the role of Vitamin E, which is a known
* Zinc increases the body’s resistance to infection.
* Omega-3 oils which support the immune system
* St. John’s Wort has a soothing and calming effect
(check with your doctor if you are already on medication for
* Valerian is also used to reduce stress.

Healthy foods that help with stress reduction are, whole grains,
fish, fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Lentils
and oily fish are also good foods to add to your diet.

If you need more help in sress reduction, I suggest you get a copy
of "How to Reduce Stress" from my ebook section. It has a nice bonus as well.

Jeannie Crabtree