Monday, January 28, 2008

PMS Herbal Remedy

Many people suffer from PMS. They feel blue, their
emotions are all over the place, they have bloat and
fluid retention. A PMS herbal remedy can help this
quite a bit.

Some additional ideas that will be helpful:

It is important to make sure you have a diet that has
plenty of vegetables and some fruit, and is balanced
in order to provide yourself with the vitamins and
minerals that you need.

In addition, make sure you get some essential fatty
acids such as flax seed oil and flax seed to give your
body the oils it needs

Exercise can be helpful and it helps to alleviate stress
so it does not build up into you blowing up or going on
a crying jag before mensturation.

And the pms herbal remedy I mentioned earlier:

Femalite for PMS Relief

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