Excitotoxins In Our Food
Today, I want to warn you about using artificial sweeteners.
Aspartame (Nutrasweet), Splenda, hydrolyzed vegetable
protein, and the flavor enhancer Monosodium Glutamate
These should never be consumed. There are studies that
show that they are excitotoxins and affect the brain and
nervous system. They have caused a "seizure" like condition
in some people. There is also a relationship to neurological
diseases such as Alzheimer's, Lou Gehrig's Disease and other
diseases for some people.
I have had a seizure like episode after eating about a half
a single serving container of yogurt, not knowing it had
Nutrasweet (Aspartame)in it. I read labels, but was offered
this and did not check the label that time.
I had my mom start giving me the products I use to neutralize
toxins and poisons. It is a long story... I was taken to the
emergency room because the incident went on for a while. In
the end, the medical community told me it was all in my head,
even after I explained that it was a reaction to the Nutrasweet.
I knew more about it than any of the doctors I talked to.
If you have been eating these things, you need to drop them
from your diet, detox and rebuild your system, or your health
will be affected negatively.
To learn morem I would suggest this excellent book from Amazon.com:
Labels: Aspartame, excitotoxins, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, Monosodium Glutamate, Nutrasweet, Splenda
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