Urinary Tract Infection
Urinary Tract Infection
When you think you have a urinary tract infection, you can make sure by using a simple test. You can purchase a simple home kit called Dipstick from your local drugstore.
It is a thin piece of plastic that has been treated. If the tip of this strip changes color, it indicates the presence of a bacterial infection.
If your condition does not test as an infection, It could be an allergy reaction to things that you eat, products you use such as toilet tissue, bubble baths, or soaps. You will need to play detective to find out what may be causing the symptoms.
If you do find that you have an infection you will want to check out the UTI product I have to flush out the infection.
It is also good to add in some probiotics to your nutritional supplements for a few weeks. This will help rebuild your good bacteria.
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