Monday, June 27, 2005

Hay Fever

Hay Fever

Hay fever really has nothing to do with a fever. A nineteenth century
physician coined the term because he began to sneeze every time he
entered a hay barn.

Hay fever is in fact a reaction of the upper respiratory to anything
that you are allergic to.

The medical term for hay fever is allergic rhinitis. Symptoms include
watery eyes, runny nose, congestion and sneezing.

You can experience hay fever any time of year. So be careful when

* mowing lawn if allergic to mold, grass or trees.
* getting outside when the pollen count is high.
* letting animals in the house when you have dander allergies.

Hay fever is helped by assisting your body to come back into a balanced
state, addressing the reasons for the hay fever. Many people have found
homeopathics to be of help. Shop the natural store at

Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.

For Alternative Health care and high quality Nutritional Supplement visit