Soothe A Sore Throat
Sore throats can range from a scratchy throat to pain so severe that it hurts to swallow. The usual cause of a sore throat is a bacteria or a virus.
Here are some ideas to relieve sore throat discomfort. Start some of them as soon as you begin to feel the discomfort:
1. Gargle every few hours with a solution of 1/4 teaspoon of salt dissolved in a half a glass of warm water. A salt solution is very soothing and healing to your sore throat.
2. Don’t smoke. Smoke irritates your throat and lungs. Hmm. Since you have the sore throat and can’t smoke, have you thought about using this time to quit? Your throat sends you a big thank you, if you do.
3. Don’t eat spicy foods. I know, you may without your favorite foods, but many spices are irritating to the throat.
4. Drink warm beverages such as tea. There are many herbal ones to raise immunity and fight sore throats, so this is a good time to reach in your cupboard for one of them.
5. Some swear by gargling with 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a half of glass of warm water several times per day. You can swallow the vinegar water, it won’t hurt you. It is actually consumed for a number of health benefits besides a sore throat.
6. If you or someone in your family get a sore throat often, go to your health food store and purchase a homeopathic combination for sore throat. You can take the pellets or tablets as often as every 15 minutes when the throat is very sore.
7. You can suck on a natural ingredient cough and sore throat lozenge from the health food store.
You should see your medical doctor: If the sore throat lasts more than two to three days. You also have a fever of 101°F or higher, with swollen glands in your neck or white patches on your tonsils or in the area where your tonsils used to be.
Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.
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