Acid Reflux
Acid Reflux
I get so irritated that I talk to the TV when the commercials
come on about Acid Reflux Disease! (Not that I watch much
television, it is mostly a waste of time.)
When you hear the phrase "Acid Reflux Disease" An alarm should
sound in your head. You are being LIED to. It is not a disease.
There is no such thing! It is a term the Pharmaceutical companies
made up so that they can sell medication. It is just a marketing
thing that scares people. "Wow... I have a disease, I better get
something done about this burning right away."
Yes, do something about that burning. Your body is talking to you
about a problem. It can lead to worse problems. Please look into
natural solutions first, so that you don't have some of the side
effects of the chemicals (drugs).
One of the first places to learn more that I would suggest is an
ebook - "Cure Your Heartburn". It is going to give you natural
answers to conditions such as Gerd, heartburn and acid reflux.
Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.
Alternative Health Care for People and Pets
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