Iron Deficiency Anemia
Iron Deficiency Anemia
The first step in working with iron deficiency anemia is
to have it diagnosed through blood testing. Then pinpoint
the cause.
If it is due to a poor diet, iron deficiency anemia is one
of the easiest of anemias to turn around if caused by an
inadequate intake of iron rich foods.
Eat more food sources of iron. Concentrate on green leafy
vegetables. Organic Beef liver, red meat, poultry, fish,
oysters and fruit are also sources of iron.
Boost your iron absorption to combat anemia. Foods high
in Vitamin C – Citrus fruit, tomatoes, and strawberries
help your body absorb iron from food.
Don’t drink a lot of regular tea. It contains tannins,
which can inhibit iron absorption. Herbal tea is okay to
The liquid herbal supplement "Floradix" is an herbal iron
tonic that I have had great results with. You can find
this in health food stores.
Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.
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