Positive Thinking
Positive Thinking
Whether you think negative or positive, feeling hopeful or
helpless, affects your health.
One of the things that I have learned over time is that
if you ask your self positive questions, you will get
positive answers - Positive thinking. Ask yourself negative
questions and you will most likely get negative answers.
Here are some positive thinking questions to ask yourself:
(I think these came from an Anthony Robins Seminar)
What am I happy about in my life now?
What am I excited about in my life now?
What am I proud about in my life now?
What am I gratefully about in my life now?
What am I enjoying most in my life now?
What am I committed to in my life now?
Who do I love, who loves me?
See this brings up the positive thinking instead of saying
something like "why are things always going wrong for me"?
This puts your mind to work to bring negative answers to you.
Phrasing these positive thinking questions is particularly
valuable in the morning when you wake up and at night when
you get ready for sleep.
Keep this in mind as it good for your physical health as
well as mental health. Start phrasing things in the positive.
Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.
Jeannie publishes Healthy Living newsletter. She shares Health tips, nutrition suggestions and research.
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