Friday, February 03, 2006

Breast Cancer

It is always wise to emphasize vegetables and vegetable
juices with breast cancer. It provides your body with
plenty of nutrition to strengthen your body and immune
system to fight the breast cancer. I wish more doctors
would tell you that your diet makes a difference.

When fighting cancer, it is good to add Broccoli sprouts
to your diet and use them often.

It is possible that Broccoli sprouts could carry the
bacteria that make you sick - salmonella and e.coli, so
you may want to take them out of the container when
you get them home and soak in a bowl of water with
a few drops of grapefruit seed extract for three or four minutes.

Don't put the sprouts back in the same container unless you
soak that as well. After draining them for a few minutes
store them in the refrigerator.

Find out how Broccoli Sprouts helps with breast cancer

Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.

Jeannie publishes Healthy Living newsletter. She shares Health tips, nutrition suggestions and research. Get yours started today.