Nutritional Supplements are not the total answer
Nutritional Supplements Are Not The Total Answer
Once in a while something really big comes along to me as a health consultant, something that I can see will change the way I can help you and others.
Especially if you are struggling with your health, can't seem to get well or are discouraged because so little seems to be working.
Supplements are not the total answer
I have worked with supplements, (first as a health food storeowner and now a health professional) for around 25 years now. And of course, before then, I was taking supplements myself and assisting my family to choose their supplements.
Now as a health consultant, I sift through a lot of the supplements out there as I work with people and their nutrition program. What I have found with supplements in general is that many are low quality.
Many are filled with binders, fillers and things that are actually toxic and make the body work hard to detox the junk back out. Even when it says organic, It may not be organic as you think of it.
In addition, it is rare for a supplement to address your electrical system, which is extremely important. Read an article I have on this:
What you and your body think may be at odds
By Arthur Widgery
When your body starts a movement or function, it has been stimulated by some signal or message that directs it what to do. When your conscious or subconscious senses receive an image or signal, they in turn signal certain receptors with impulses that trigger a response. If by chance, your senses interpret a false signal as a correct signal, they can in turn, send out incorrect signals that can bring about adverse responses.
For instance, if you are at a stop light and your brain perceives a red light is green, it will send a signal to the foot to go, and the foot will push down on the gas pedal. Our perception and our body's internal perceptions can sometimes be at odds. After a while our bodies begin to respond uncontrollably and contrary to what is best for us. Your body can respond innocently to signals that have been corrupted.
The impulses and signals that normally resonate throughout your body depend on breathing clean air, safe nutritional foods and most of electrical system that can detect, override and correct the false/harmful signals caused by the environment. It's true, we all live in a toxic environment no matter where we live on this planet. And these toxins do play a major role in our inability to stay well and get well.
Read the rest at:
Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.
For Alternative Health Care and high quality Nutritional Supplements
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