Many people, both women and men may have osteoporosis and
not realize it.
Nutrition plays a big part in osteoporosis. If you do not
get enough minerals in your diet, you will end up with
your body pulling calcium and other minerals from tissue
and bones for its needs.
Two things are very important if you know you have
osteoporosis - eating mineral rich foods and exercising.
Exercise has proven very beneficial for osteoporosis in
study after study. Bone mineral mass is increased with
exercise. So start planning some exercise into your day.
Choose a variety of exercises that use different parts of
your body so that all bones can be strengthened.
Also pay attention to getting plenty of dark leafy vegetables
and perhaps using a super food such as Green Vibrance to add
additional sources of minerals into your daily diet.
I just can't say enough about the use of super foods. I use them myself
and believe that this helped to overcome my osteoporosis that
I got from taking a certain medication that I was told would give me
osteoporosis and because of a life threatening situation, could not get
around taking back in 2001.
So remember if you have osteoporosis, exercise, super foods and green
leafy vegetables will help to build your bones back up.
Jeannie Crabtree
For supplements to help you feel good, visit www.health-doc.com nutritional supplements section.
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