Cold Sore
Cold sores can be very painful and annoying. Once it
strikes, you can expect it to return again and again.
This is because the virus herpes simplex is the cause.
For some prevention measures, learn to manage your stress.
Avoid contact with people who have an active cold sore.
Wash your hands often, if you or someone you are around
have a cold sore. That way you won't spread the virus.
What can trigger a cold sore outbreak? Stress, fevers,
colds, sun exposure, anything that lowers your immunity
means the herpes virus may rear it's ugly head.
If you are ready to stop your cold sore in its tracks
permanently, then I suggest the ebook "How I Permanently
and Safely Cured My Cold Sores For Life". Click here
and read more about how to stop your cold sores for good.
Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.
For quality Alternative Health Care Jeannie Can help.
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