Menstraul Cramp Relief
I get a number of searches on my site for information on menstraul cramps. It is also searched on as menstral cramps. If you are a woman who has ever had this problem, or a man who has someone with this problem in your family, you know how bad it can get. I have seen some teenagers and women in tears with the pain.
While I cannot diagnose or prescibe for you, I will tell you what my observations have been on menstraul cramps.
Just as there are numerous causes, there are various methods for relieving menstraul cramps.
Acupressure on certain points work fairly well for many women. Sometimes the use a magnet on the acupuncture points for a short time does the trick too. Not over 1/2 hour on the points. Too long and you over sedate the points. I am a certified acupuncturist and teach people to use these points for relief.
Most women also need to look into diet, to adjust it for better nutrition intake, eliminate some of the junk food and take some oils such as flax oil to provide essential fatty acids.
And how is the water intake? One quart of water for every 50 pounds is suggested. Proper hydration is needed for the brain, glands and organs to function properly. If they cannot work properly, there is bound to be problems.
Herbal remedies can be the thing that turns this around. Learn more about herbs and homeopathics that help with menstrual cramps, bloating and bad moods before your period:

Femalite for PMS Relief
Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.
For Alternative Health Care and high quality Nutritional Supplements
Labels: menstral cramps, menstraul cramps