Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Fish Oil

Fish Oil For Heart Health

How does fish oil work when it comes to helping the heart
be healthy? Researchers are not ready to say, but one team
of doctors used x-ray to peer into patients heart arteries
at the beginning And end of one study. They found that
after two years, the arteries of the fish-oil patients,
on average, offered more room for blood flow to flow through,
with less plaque.

The improvements were not dramatic, however the doctor’s team
concluded that the benefits found in this study are significant
enough to warrant including fish oil as part of traditional
heart-disease treatment. At minimum, taking a daily capsule of
fish oil
or dining on fish twice weekly would fulfill the needed

Read more of the article on Heart Health With Fish Oils

Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.

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