Wednesday, October 12, 2005



I hear many complaints about fatigue. There can be a number
of causes, so I will mention a few here today:

Fatigue can be caused by not eating a good diet.

If you do not give your body the fuel it needs through
adequate water intake, adequate protein sources and plenty
of vegetables, along with some fruit, ( at leats 5 to 7
of 1/2 cup servings) and some good oils, your body will not
be able to create the energy it needs to function properly.

Fatigue caused by lack of sleep

Although it seems obvious, not getting enough sleep will make
you fatigued. Many people just don't get adequate rest.

Infection can cause Fatigue

Being infected with various things can also cause fatigue.
Example: viruses such as such as cytomegalovirus, mono,
or epstein barr. If you have a low grade fever,swollen glands,
muscle aches or sore throat, you probably have an infection.
Fatigue often goes along with this.

Obviously you need to take things to build your immune system
and fight the infection as well with a good diet, adequate
water and enough rest.
found that viruses can lead to a downward spiral
to worse health problems, so it is important to address them

Fatigue is your body's way of telling you that you have problems.
Don't just put up with it, You need to acknowledge your fatige,
and do something about it.

Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.

For supplements to help you feel good, visit nutritional supplements section.