Treating Cancer
Treating Cancer
You must read this article. Written by a Naturopathic Physician in England, it is a summary of the likelihood of success in treating cancer with traditional medicine.
He covers both the UK and the US. It is a heart breaking read about the typical use of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery and what it can do. He also covers the supression of natural and alternative therapies here in the US. Here is what he says about chemotherapy:
"Chemotherapy involves the use of extremely toxic petrochemical drugs in the hope, never realised, of killing the disease before killing the patient. The drugs are designed to kill all fast-growing cells, cancerous or not. All cells caught in the act of division are systematically poisoned. The effects include hair loss, violent nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, cramps, impotence, sterility, extreme pain, fatigue, immune-system destruction, cancer and death. "
Please read it all and share it with anyone you know that is trying to recover from cancer or has been recently diagnosed. Here is the web site:
Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.
For Alternative Health Care and high quality Nutritional Supplements