Raise Your Energy And Life Force
Raise Your Energy And Life Force
A good way to boost your energy, detox, clear up
your complexion and raise your life force , is to
eat mainly raw foods.
I am not a raw fooder per se, but make sure to get
some in each day. Alternative Health care addresses
diet as part of how to say healthy, prevent illness
and disease.
However, right now I am doing a detox with HVS
homeopathics. I decided to put more raw food in
my diet to help me detox and lose some extra weight
that I gained.
So right now, until it does not feel right, I am doing
two meals and snacks of raw food, and one meal
consisting of protein such as fish, more raw food
and perhaps a cooked vegetable. Then about every fourth
day, I make sure to have a higher carbohydrate day –
adding in some sprouted grain bread, brown rice or
other healthy carbohydrate.
This way, my metabolism does not get used to low carbs,
and I stop losing weight - I won’t hit a plateau in
weight loss so quickly.
The cooked food and fish slow the detox down some. I
need meat, eggs, or fish, and find that I cannot do
without it. I was a vegetarian for four years and lab
tests proved that I was very deficient in some amino
acids. Once I put flesh proteins back in my diet, I
started feeling better.
Are you making sure you have raw foods in your diet
each day? Sadly some people do not. It is an excellent
source of Life Force, which helps us raise our life force.
A person who eats a fair amount of raw foods usually has
a glow of good health and energy about them. So here is
your wake up call, if you are not. Put more raw fruits
and vegetables into your diet on a consistant basis
and see were you are in a month.
Labels: alternative health, life force, low energy, Raw food