You Must Exercise
You Must Exercise
You must exercise for good health. As well as you
age, it keeps your metabolism going, so that you
can keep the excess weight off.
I know it can be a hard thing to do. I don't particularly
like strenous exercise or taking time out for exercise
except for my walks. But know this - Exercise could be
one of the most important things you'll do for your health
today. MAKE time to exercise.
Instead of flopping down in a chair while you watch the
news or your favorite show, be active. Run in place, do
leg lifts or heft weights. Use time in your car to tighten
and tone muscles with isometric tummy tighteners.
Walk up the stairs instead of using the elevator. Exercise
doesn't have to be a solid hour at the gym. Anything that
revs up your motors is great for your body.
Don't fool yourself into thinking that your 'exercise' has
to be a carefully planned workout to work all the right
muscles in the right order with the right tension. Exercise
means being active. Just do it.
Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.
Jeannie publishes Healthy Living newsletter. She shares Health tips, nutrition suggestions and research.Get yours started today.