Herbs For Menopause
Herbs For Menopause
One of the first symptoms most women see in
menopause is irregular or missed periods.
Menopause can be a tough time for some women. For
others, they sail through with out a problem, although
this seems to be getting rarer in the people I have
consulted with.
When menopause starts to occur, the estrogen and
progesterone levels, stimulated by the ovaries,
are decreased. This means that the ovaries no longer get the signal to release the egg.
When this happens, it means that a woman will often
notice a disruption in her normal monthly cycle. So
once menopause starts to occur, it is not uncommon
to experience disruptions in the monthly cycle.
Here are some symptoms often occuring during menopause:
Achy joints
Hot flashes
Problems in the ability to concentrate or recall
Changes in sexual desire
Extreme sweating
Mood changes
Night sweats
PMS like symptoms
Alternative health care often includes changes in the
diet along with using herbs to help ease both the
symptoms and get to the cause, which is the hormone
levels. Take a look at MellowPause for the herbal help
that will assist you to lessen your Menopause symptoms.

MellowPause for Menopause Symptom Relief