Sunday, August 31, 2008

Overweight Child

Overweight Child

Obesity in children is becoming more and more of an issue.
Lately, I have seen a couple severely overweight young

Parents, if your child is overweight, you need to start
doing something about it. It not only leads to low self
esteem for them but a bad diet can lead to childhood
diseases such as diabetes.

One suggestion is to cut out the junk food. Turn them
back on to healthy snacks, such as fruit and vegetable
snacks or cheese and fruit for example. Don't give
them food or purchase food that is going to contribute
to their weight problem.

Make sure that their portion on their plate is adequate,
but not too much. I remember when my sisters oldest boy
was a todler, his father had a hard time thinking about
how much he should eat and always put too much on his
plate. This could lead a child to think he is to eat
big portions.

Make sure there are plenty of activities for your child to
move around. Don't let them sit in front of the computer
or tv for hours. Start an exercise regime for yourself, and
include your whole family.

Set a good example. Children follow your example more than
your words. If you are overweight, follow these tips your
self, and your child will be more willing to follow in
your footsteps.

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