How To Help Someone With Depression
How To Help Someone With Depression
Many times a depressed person may not recognize the
symptoms of depression. And they don’t realize how far
they have sunk down into a depression.
It is good for family and friends to speak up. Gently speak
to the person about the possibility of depression. List the
signs of depression, talk about what can be done about
it and ask how you could be of assistance.
Encourage the person to actively journal to get their thoughts
out on paper. This will help them pin point some of what is
going on.
If it is a minor problem, this can be worked through. If it is a
major problem, they may need to consider talk therapy.
In addition, Emotional Freedom Techniques have helped many
people to overcome thoughts that lead to depression.
Sometimes something as simple as a change of diet can do a lot
of good for those who have eaten poorly, which can lead to
depression, as the protein, vitamins, minerals and good oils
from nutritious food can balance the brain chemistry.
Click here to read more about Diet and Depression.
Labels: depression, diet and depression, emotional freedom techniques