Gum Infection Home Remedy
Gum Infection Home Remedy
One home remedy for gum infection is a Hydrogen Peroxide rinse.
Many people find that rinsing the mouth with one capful of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide diluted in a little water after brushing will help with gum infection quite a bit.
Try to hold the Hydrogen Peroxide in your mouth for one minute, swishing it several times. (It will foam, so be prepared for that.) Then spit it out. Don't rinse the residue from you mouth. I suggest you do this routine in the evening after brushing and flossing the teeth, before you go to bed.
Once the gum infection and disease is down, do once a week for maintenance.
Also soak your toothbrush in a small cup of Hydrogen Peroxide between use to clean the toothbrush. Change the Hydrogen Peroxide every few days. Make sure to put the cap back on the H2O2 tightly.
Jeannie Crabtree
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