Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Hair Loss Prevention

Hair Loss Prevention

Sometimes hair loss is hard to take. But how do you know when it is a normal amount of hair lost and when it is not? And how do you prevent hair loss?

Natural hair loss is considered to be in the range of 100 hairs per day. It is not apparent to most people that hair is actually being lost until more than 50% of a person's hair is actually lost.

I am seeing this hair loss problem in younger men than I used to. Have you noticed that too? It is emotionally painful for any one, but I think more so when people are so young.

My sister’s two sons have thinning hair. One is 24 and one 21. Even women fight with hair loss. I know two friends, sisters, that have very thin hair. I was shocked the last time I saw them.

There are reasons for this and things that can be done to stop hair loss, as well as prevent hair loss. I offer the "Hair Loss Prevention" ebook that explains prevention methods, some of the latest research on hair loss, how to take care of thinning hair, and many ideas on encouraging the regrowth of hair.

For hair loss prevention and hair loss information be sure to check out the ebook

Jeannie Crabtree

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