Eye Sight Problems
Your eye sight is precious. So many take it for granted
until they start to lose it.
I am legally blind in one eye and have poor eye sight.
At one time, I thought I might lose my eye sight.
Just talk to anyone who has lost their site. It is
extremely difficult to make the adjustment, although
many do.
See your eye care professional if
* your vision becomes blurry
* you have trouble reading signs or books
* you see double
* one or both of your eyes hurt
* when your eyes get red, the redness does not go away
* you feel pressure in your eye
* you see spots or floaters or sparkles
* straight lines do not look straight, or
* your peripheral vision has changed and you can not see
things at the side as well as before
Don't put it off, make sure to get your eyes checked if
you have any eye sight problems.
Labels: eye sight, eye sight problems