Pregnancy and Folic Acid
Pregnancy and Folic Acid
Do you want to get pregnant? It is best to make sure that
you have a good source of folic acid.
Folic acid is important from the very first moment of life.
In fact, if a couple is even thinking about getting pregnant,
the woman should immediately begin to monitor her folic acid
You need to making sure that you meet the suggested daily
intake levels of folic acid. Most health care professionals
recommend that every woman of childbearing age make sufficient
folic acid consumption a nutritional priority.
That is because folic acid is vital to the development of the
baby from the moment of conception. It can help to prevent
serious birth defects in the brain and spine, called neural
tube defects.
Spinal Bifida is one of the more well known of these defects
that happen in pregnancy. These types of defects usually occur
within the first few weeks of development, which means they
happen before the average woman even realizes she is pregnant.
This is why it is so important to eat right and have a source
of folic acid in your diet if you are trying to become pregnant.
Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.
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