Natural Muscle Relaxants
SciatiGon - Learn about Sciatica symptoms and natural Sciatica relief
LegCalm - naturally treat Restless Leg Syndrome
Have you ever had a spasm in your back or a cramp
and wished you had something natural you could take
for it?
I will mention some herbs that are natural relaxants.
Please use then in moderation and if the symptoms
continue, look further into why you have the problem.
Muscle Relaxants
KAVA KAVA: Recognized by some doctors as a safe
alternative to Xanax and Valium.
VALERIAN ROOT: Widely researched and documented as a
sleep aid, valerian has been given a number 1 rating
for safety by The American Herbal Products Association.
However, I caution to use this according to the direc-
tions on the bottle
BLACK HAW: relieves muscle spasms and is similar to aspirin
WILD YAM: Long used to treat menstrual cramps; generally
taken as a tea.
JAMAICA DOGWOOD: Used to treat muscle inflammation and spasms;
little research has been done on it and excessive amounts can
be toxic. Do not use with sedatives.
You can purchase these herbs singly or in a combination.
Jeannie Crabtree
For supplements to help you feel good, visit nutritional supplements section.
Labels: menstral cramps, natural muscle relaxant, natural relaxants, spasm