Stress And The Body Mind Connection
It is amazing how the body mind connection works. Many
people don't think much about it, but what goes on around
us can be stressful, as well as our own thoughts. Your body
mind reacts to all of this.
Dealing with stress and our immunity is covered in the guide
I have onsite "Healthy Living: Bolster Your Immune System,
Slow Down Aging, And Even Heighten Your Libido"
Prolonged stress causes a great deal of health problems, not
only physically but also mentally.
This was an interesting article I found online about stress
and how it affects the immune system.
"UCLA scientists found that the stress hormone cortisol
suppresses immune cells' ability to activate their telomerase.
This may explain why the cells of persons under chronic stress
have shorter telomeres. The study reveals how stress makes
people more susceptible to illness".
Labels: body mind connection, immune system, stress