Mood Swings
Mood Swings
We all have time when our moods are down. Sometimes these mood swings can come from not eating a good diet. Here are foods that help you elevate your moods.
Dark Green Leafy Vegetables – contain various minerals, which help to keep your body and your moods in better balance with less mood swings.
Fish, Oat Flakes, Pumpkin seeds and Sunflower seeds – contain zinc, which can help improve mood.
Salmon – is rich in mood elevating omega 3 fatty acids. Your brain needs oils to opperate at maximum levels and avoid mood swings.
Bananas – they contain serotonin a hormone found to ease depression.
Take a look at your nutrition and smooth out those mood swings!
For other ideas on how nutrition can assist you to better health, make sure to
visit my Health Article section.
Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.
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