Sunday, December 30, 2007

Most Visited Alternative Health Posts

It is very close to the end of the year, and I wanted to say thanks
for being an Alternative Health Blog reader.

I hope and wish that the coming year will be your best year ever.
That your health improves, if you are having problems and that
you keep the good health you have, if you are blessed with it.

Two of the biggest suggestions I would have for you is to drink an
adequate amount of water each day - One quart of water for every
50 pounds of weight and to address your stress right away, so it does
not settle in and cause physical and emotional health problems.

Some of my health blog pages received a lot more visits than others.
Here are my top blog posts, sorted by number of visitors this month.

Replacing Electrolytes

Alternatives To Antibiotics

Stress Reduction With Vitamins

Eye Sight Problems

Head Lice Treatment

Gum Infection Home Remedy

Your Finger Nails Tell You About Your Health

Broccoli For Cancer Prevention

TMJ Exercises

Wishing you the best!

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