Wednesday, February 09, 2005

People with brain damage may hear, but not be able to respond

People with brain damage may hear, but not be able to respond

I have always been cautious of what I say around unconscious or semi conscious people. It can have an effect on their recovery.

An example is when my grandmother was in the hospital with emergency surgery and was recovering. Someone came to visit and asked me if she was expected to live. I just shook my head no, but would not say anything outloud. I did not want that kind of message to register with her.

I think it is good to talk to people in semi conscious and unconscious states as it registers at some level, even just if it is the good energy vibrations. Be encouraging, let them know you love them and that they are going to pull through this. Hold or touch their hand if you can once in a while.

There was an interesting article in Yahoo that you will want to read if this sort of thing interests you. "Awareness May Remain After Severe Brain Injury" showed that people may retain some degree of cognitive function, even though they can't follow simple instructions or communicate, according to the findings from a small study.

By the way, my grandmother came through that surgery and lived several more years. If she had heard that she was expected to die, that might have been a different outcome.

Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.

For Alternative Health Care and high quality Nutritional Supplements