Sunday, September 18, 2005


Heartburn - you know the feeling when you lie down to go to sleep.

Maybe you ate too much at one sitting. Or maybe it is a few pieces
of pizza, beer, chocolate desert or whatever odd combination you
ingested that caused that heartburn.

Some have heartburn even without overindulging, so lets discuss the
cause. Your digestive juices back up out of your stomach and get into
the esophagus area when your stomach is full. These juices include
hydrochloric acid which causes the heartburn feeling or as it is
known medically - acid reflux.

This is why you do not want to lie down if you start to have heartburn.
It would be easier for the hydrochloric acid to travel into the esophagus

Stay elevated if possible until you digest some of that food - probably
an hour and one half or so, and if you are still having problems, elevate
the head of your bed about 4 inches or use an extra pillow under your
head and upper torso to prop you up a bit.

To avoid heartburn before bed, eat earlier and don't eat a large amount.
This gives your stomach time to digest your food so you can avoid the

For supplements to help you feel good, visit nutritional supplements section.