Monday, November 28, 2005

Acid Reflux Syndrome

Acid Reflux Syndrome

The real help to caring for acid reflux syndrome probably
can be found in what you eat.

You need to look at your diet and make some changes. Look
at what you eat, drink and the stress you have in your life.

Here is an example:

Chocolate is a big no no if you have acid reflux syndrome
because it relaxes the muscle at the top of the stomach
that keeps the food and acids from splashing up into the
esophogas. Chocolate can relax this muscle for about an
hour after you eat it.

So start noting what foods and drinks you are having and
what is happening with your acid reflux syndrome. You will
often find there is a direct connection.

Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.

Click here for All natural cure for acid reflux that really works.