Healthy Eating
Healthy Eating
Just a gentle reminder for you today -
Have you noticed how sickly some children are now
days and that middle aged people have illnesses and
diseases that used to rarely seen except in aged people?
Much of it has to do with your diet. The majority of us
do not get enough minerals in our food. You need minerals
to build strong bodies and keep yourself healthy. You need
the enzymes in the raw foods as well, but we will leave that
discussion for another day.
When you don’t have a healthy eating diet, it may not show up
right away, but it will as time goes by. With children, their
mother may not have had good nutrition, so the child starts
out with sub clinical nutritional deficiencies.
It takes effort to be healthy and stay healthy. Don’t let
yourself be fooled. The easy route of fast food is not going to
build health.
We must eat correctly the majority of the time and take some
extra supplements now days to meet all of our nutritional needs.
I am not perfect; I do occasionally make a poor choice in what I
eat. I do however, focus on eating the best I can, with as much
organic produce as I can and some natural or organic meat.
I was a vegetarian for a while, but amino acid tests showed me that
I was not getting the protiens I needed from that kind of diet.
Vegetarian diet is not for everyone.
You don't need to go on some fancy diet, just eat healthy. It leaves
a lot of room for choice.
Make sure to get in plenty of fresh vegetables and some fruit.
These are full of the vitamins and minerals that you need to help
everything perform optimally. Most people do not eat enough
vegetables each day.
Stay away from the processed food. Don't buy it and don't bring it
home. If it is not on your shelves and in your refrigerator, you
won't reach for it.
Stay away from soda. Drinking a couple a day adds hundreds of
calories to your diet. It is also very acidic and sodas will cause
health problems, including mineral loss.
Drink plenty of water. I suggest one quart of water to every 50
pounds of weight.
A note to those who are overweight -
Simply by cutting out the junk food and excess carbohydrates,
making sure you get enough exercise most days, and drinking
plenty of water, will cause the loss of a little bit of excess weight
each month for many people. Slow weight loss is good.
For those that drink sodas each day, just cutting that out
completely can help you lose a little weight each month. This
can add up to 15 or more pounds for a year, by just stopping
soda drinking.
Sound good? Get back on track. Eat healthy - your body will thank
you for it.
If your health has gone downhill to the point you need to do
something about it, I have some suggested some health guides that
will help.
Labels: healthy eating, healthy eating diet